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Burger Toppings to Match Your Moods

Written By Radha Mathur 18 Oct 2022
Burger Toppings to Match Your Moods

The importance of burger toppings and flavorings cannot be overstated; toppings are a burger's (second) best friend. But, have you ever found yourself staring at a mouth-watering menu unable to decide which combo of ingredients is the perfect choice? It's a common problem in this world of swiping and streaming— choices, choices, and more choices.

As Burgerologists, we're here to help. We’ve put our comfort food expertise to good use and created this list of burger-topping combos that'll match your moods.

Here Are Burgers For Your Different Feelings 

Panicked Indecision

american burger

We've all been there. You know you want a burger n' fries but arriving at that decision was exhausting enough and now you're staring at all the options and your brain is spinning. You want spicy, no you want something chiller—BFF to the rescue.

When the indecision runs deep, we recommend a classic like our American burger, topped with go-to's like caramelized onions, cheddar, pickles, ketchup, and mustard. It's savory and full of texture, and ticks all the boxes. Who doesn't love a classic?


nashville chicken

Is everything getting on your nerves? The sound of your roommate chewing, global warming, the fact that winter is almost here? Okay, how about you lean in and opt for a burger as spicy as your vibe?

Hear us out— a spicy meal can leave you sweating and sniffling as though you've worked through something. Might be just what you're looking for. And, not to go all science-y, but spicy food can trigger the release of endorphins or feel-good hormones.

So, whether you're into a Nashville-style burger or lots of pickled jalapenos, we suggest turning up the heat.


beyond meat

Just cuz you're feeling sporty doesn't mean you have to avoid your burger craving. While meat can feel a little heavy in your stomach, a beyond burger loaded with veggies might be just the fuel you need after doing some downward dogs or going for a run. Or, opting for a burger with mushrooms is a great source of fiber and protein.

Hey, maybe eating burgers is a sport for you. To that we say, respect and game on. 


what's poppin duo

Find yourself feeling nostalgic for Southern comfort (which you may or may not have experienced)? Then these words will be music to your ears: Buttermilk, fried chicken, housemade hot honey, pimento cheese, ranch...Wipe those hungry tears away and come try our What's Poppin' Duo complete with a sandwich and housemade fries.

Stop by before Oct.31st or y’all will regret it.

Burgers n' Fries For Every Mood at BFF

Burger toppings are an important part of the burger-eating experience, and we're here to help you choose the perfect combination for your mood. Whether you're feeling deeply indecisive or nostalgic, BFF has got your back (and belly).


BFF isn’t your typical burger n’ fries joint. Our food helps to remove barriers and unite people from different backgrounds over memorable and nostalgic flavors. With quality ingredients and creative combos, we aim to be your (tastebuds’) BFF. Stop by one of our locations in Ottawa or Toronto. 

Order takeout or delivery directly through our website, and tag us in pics of your fave BFF foods @burgersnfriesforever.